Diana Enache

Curious about coaching? Let’s see how the Coach and Client partnership works

The purpose of this article is to give you a clear understanding of how the coach and client relationship works.
My goal is to make it super easy to grasp.
As I mentioned in one of my previous articles, coaching is a partnership where the coach and client are equals. The client takes the lead by setting the agenda and bringing up the topics they want to discuss, and the coach is there to support them throughout their journey. In my opinion, building a connection is one of the most important aspects of coaching.

Okay, let’s talk about what actually happens in coaching sessions.
In coaching, my role as the coach is to help you tap into your resources by asking thought-provoking questions, making observations, and sometimes challenging your ideas. I summarise, reflect and adapt to each client, depending on the agreement with the client. Part of the purpose of coaching is to inspire change and encourage action.

During the coaching process, you, as the client, bring up the topics or issues that you want to work on in our sessions. Together, we explore your goals, assess the reality of your situation, brainstorm potential options, and identify actionable steps. I’ll be asking you questions to dig deeper and understand your perspective.
Ultimately, you’re the one responsible for your objectives, growth, and the changes you want to make.

In our sessions, you’ll be doing most of the talking, around 70-80% of the time.
I, as your coach, will be actively listening, fully engaged in what you’re saying, and paying attention to any shifts in energy or emotions. I’ll ask questions, summarise our discussions, reflect back to you, and use various techniques and tools tailored to your needs. My aim is to support and challenge you as we agreed.
I can be your accountability partner. That means I’ll check in with you on the actions and steps you’ve taken during the coaching process. The aim is to keep you on track and ensure you’re making progress.

When it comes to talking, as your coach, I’ll be speaking for a smaller portion of the session, around 20-30% of the time. My focus is on facilitating your growth and empowering you to find your own answers.

So, there you have it! The coach and client dynamic is about connection, accountability, and personal growth. We work together to help you achieve your goals and progress.

If you’re not sure if coaching is right for you, take some time to go through these questions and send me a message, so we can set up a virtual coffee chat.

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