Diana Enache

About me

I’m Diana, I’m a career and business mindset coach and my motto is coaching for progress.

Why did I choose this path?

Because I love connecting with people in a deep and authentic way and because I have a genuine desire to help others grow. I have a strong passion for continuous learning and childlike curiosity for neuroscience.

I trained in transformational coaching, which puts the client’s ‘whole person’ at its core.

My coaching style is a combination of transformational coaching with a neuroscience informed approach.
That means that while working with my clients, I look at the client’s way of thinking, I notice their behaviour and emotions and their body language. In the coaching process I am guided by curiosity for who my client is, empathy and active listening that enable me to form great rapport with my clients.

I’ve been in various roles myself, from individual contributor, coordinator, both an employee and entrepreneur. A few years ago, I wanted a radical career change, wanted to find my purpose and I found it with the help of two great investments: coaching and therapy. I have first hand experience and can vouch for the coaching process. Sure it’s a challenging process and I constantly work on myself, but it’s worth it!

I’ve been working on my mindset over the past few years, challenging limiting beliefs around effort and money, reframing negative self-talk about performance and mistakes, finding wisdom in dealing with my imposter syndrome and I want to help you with these pain points as well.

Yes, I have my spare time too and I like to travel, because this gives me the opportunity to explore and get to know places and people. I love to walk a lot and love to visit science, film and art museums. But I also have a lovely mindful daily activity too: drinking tea gong fu style. That is where I fully charge my batteries.

Why work with me?

First of all, let’s agree that we’ll be a team, working on your journey together through transformational coaching.

I will create a safe space in our coaching sessions, where I will listen to you with full presence and deep attention.

Our work together is meant for you to have a space, so that you get to know yourself better, gain awareness and agency in your life.

We will work on your agenda, define your objectives and build an achievable plan of action.

Through coaching, I can help you define goals, identify resources, explore options and move past roadblocks. These elements will enable you to make decisions that are aligned with who you are and to take the right actions, in order to achieve your goals.

In our coaching sessions we will focus on various aspects from gaining awareness and new perspectives, exploring beliefs, overcoming obstacles and feeling stuck, to making decisions and building new habits. Subjects like values, purpose, motivation, fears, beliefs, change, productivity, performance, objectives, habits, tensions and conflicts, feedback are some examples of topics for our coaching conversations.

What is my experience?

I have worked in various industries over the past 12 years, from press, to tax consulting, to incentive compensation, to training and learning & development. I have over 7 years of experience in training people from Europe, the United States and Asia.

I have lived in three countries: Romania, Norway and Ireland and worked in two: Romania and Ireland. Through this academic and professional international experience I met and worked with people from all over the world (Europe, the United States, Latin America and Asia), from diverse teams from finance, to sales, operations, L&D and training.

As a trainer, I successfully delivered over 200 training and enablement sessions, both technical and human skills, to over 800 participants. I use the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) and the Attention, Generation, Emotion, and Spacing (AGES) models in training and put the participants first.



Ready to start? Let’s talk.