Diana Enache


By working with me in our CLEAR coaching transformation program you will experience:

You will find your strengths and unique skills, find your purpose, so that you feel more confident and focusedcommunicate assertively, create and maintain healthy habits, are prepared with a plan for your desired career change.

You identify the challenge, formulate what you want to get rid of or obtain, break down your goal into steps and behaviours, develop your capability to notice the evidence and results of your behaviour. That leads to thinking differently about yourself, others and situations.

I help you overcome challenges, take tailored action, change your thinking patterns, so that you won’t need my help once the process is done. 

AND we’ll do it simple, fast and easy.

CLEAR performance program

Performance and results in 3 months without burnout

Who is it for?

This program is for high performers who work in:
☑️ Product Management,
☑️ Software Development,
☑️Customer Service,
☑️ Finance,
☑️ Sales,
☑️ Operations,
☑️ HR,
☑️ L&D
and want to improve performance, to get a promotion and earn more.

This is for those of you who want to perform in your role, who want a promotion, who want to improve your leadership skills, or who own the direction of your career and want to work on the execution. This is for those of you who want to challenge their limiting beliefs, fears and negative self-talk.

What’s included in this program?
We will work on your way of thinking and behaving to uncover your strengths, develop your self-leadership skills and growth mindset

Program structure: 

In the first session we will set the framework of our coaching process together and define your overarching goals.

In sessions 2 to 5 we will:

    • Explore your current challenges and way of thinking and behaving
    • Work on changing your beliefs to diminish self-doubt, overthinking and anxious thoughts.
    • Discover any resistance and rewrite it to make room for change. 
    • Identify options and create action steps for you to reach your goals. 
    • Track your progress.
    • Uncover resources and strengths and celebrate your wins.

In the last session we will look back on the entire process and review where you are now and where you started from. You will fill in your coaching return on investment form and we will wrap it up with a visualisation exercise.


CLEAR transformation program

Clarity, purpose and mindset shift in 5 months without overwhelm

Who is it for?

This program is for high performers who work in:
☑️ Product Management,
☑️ Software Development,
☑️Customer Service,
☑️ Finance,
☑️ Sales,
☑️ Operations,
☑️ HR,
☑️ L&D
and want to improve performance, change their role or transition towards entrepreneurship and earn more.

This is for those of you who want to work on your life purpose and identify a clear path, who want clarity on your next career move, or who seek a radical career change. This is for those of you who want to gain new perspectives and behaviours that serve you well, by exploring your mindset and changing the narrative.

What’s included in this program?
Work on values, purpose, mission, limiting beliefs, present career and future career, boundaries, imposter syndrome, motivation, burnout, fears, dealing with change, growth mindset.

Program structure: 

In the first session we will set the framework of our coaching process together and define your overarching goals.

In sessions 2 to 10 we will:

    • Explore your current challenges and your current way of thinking and behaving.
    • Work on changing your beliefs to get rid of self-doubt, overthinking and anxious thoughts.
    • Transform your inner critic into your main supporter.
    • Discover any resistance and rewrite it to make room for change. 
    • Change the worst case scenarios you fear into realistic and positive scenarios.
    • Identify options and create action steps for you to reach your goals. 
    • Track your progress.
    • Uncover resources and strengths and celebrate your wins.

In the last session we look back on the entire process and review where you are now and where you started from. You will fill in your coaching return on investment form and we will wrap it up with a visualisation exercise.

For each program there is the option to continue with 6 more sessions, 1 session per month for the next six months. These sessions are meant to keep you accountable and track your progress.

*Corporate prices differ. Contact me for more information.

Benefits people felt after my coaching programs 


Dear high performer,

If you’re aiming for a promotion, but lack clarity on how to approach it, or want to improve your leadership skills for your first leadership position, but you haven’t figured out your strengths and the plan yet, you’re in the right place.

So, if you want to learn what a good leader does, feel confident while preparing for the promotion because you’ll know what you do exceptionally well, coaching will help you find resources and answers for that leadership position.

Why coaching?

Because through coaching you will discover your strengths and resources to get there, you will have a plan of action that you can trust and you will get the results you’re craving.

Dear frustrated seeker, 

If you feel frustrated because you don’t like what you do anymore, or if you lost your motivation in your career because your role has become too administrative, operational or technical and you want strategy, impact and coordination, you are not alone. But most importantly, you can change that.

So, if you want to obtain that strategic role and create a positive impact, coaching is here for you to guide you to become motivated and energized about your work. 

Why coaching?

Because through coaching you can take your power back, find clarity and take action to make an impact.
And that can improve other aspects of your life too.


Dear future solopreneur, 

If you’re constantly thinking about leaving the corporate world and becoming a solopreneur because you found your calling, but don’t know where to start and you have a fear of uncertainty, then you’re in the right place.
Do you ask yourself questions like:
“How should I prepare for this move?”
“How does my thinking need to change from the employee mindset to the solopreneur mindset?”

I know it’s an act of courage to choose to be on your own, and I salute that.
So, if you already decided to wear the solopreneur suit from now on, coaching is here to organise your inner world, so that you can thrive and start your new business on the right foot.

Why coaching?

Because through coaching you can develop a plan and the right mindset for the transition from employee to solopreneur.


Ready to start? Let’s talk.