Diana Enache

đź’ťHow coaching can help with discovering personal values and a clear career path

Let’s explore how coaching can be a game-changer in navigating challenges and turning them into possibilities.
My aim with these posts is to bring concrete examples of coaching topics and shed light on how coaching can help as a tool for personal and professional development.

A hypothetical client comes to coaching feeling confusion around their self image in their career. They ask themselves questions like:
🤷‍♀️ “what do I want to do?”,
🤷‍♀️“what resonates with who I am in terms of a career?”,
🤷‍♀️“how am I different from others?”.
They notice that other people are talking about what they do and their careers, but the client sees themselves and their path as being different.
However, they don’t have a clear vision, mission and don’t know what their values are.
The way they were formulated before coming to coaching was vague.

Through coaching, the client could truly discover their values and mission. It can become clear to the client what they want to communicate, where they belong, and what career path to take. They become more confident and committed to that path.
With their values and mission clear, the client starts valuing themselves more and welcoming other people’s feedback about themselves and their work.

🚀 If you’re eager to uncover the key aspects of your career, define your career and pinpoint your core values, then book a call with me and let’s start working together.

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