Diana Enache

What makes a high performer?

This question has been on my mind lately and, driven by this curiosity, I’ve begun documenting the skills and abilities that distinguish these individuals, drawing from my observations of colleagues, clients, leaders, and from self-reflection.

Yes, I’m a high performer. 

And I work with other high performers, ‘cause I get them.

In essence high performers are individuals who consistently achieve results and excel in their endeavours. They are productive and efficient, collaborative and driven.

Based on my observations and self-reflection, I’ve come up with a list of skills and abilities that I want to share with you.

Let’s get into it.

  1. Drive and ambition: High performers possess a strong internal drive and motivation to succeed. They are fueled by a deep sense of purpose and passion for their work or goals. A strong desire to succeed motivates high performers. 
  2. Commitment to excellence: They consistently strive for excellence and are committed to delivering high-quality results. 
  3. Problem-solving skills: High performers excel at defining problems and implementing effective solutions. They tackle challenges and find innovative ways to overcome obstacles.
  4. Resilience: High performers demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges. They view obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning, and they persevere in the pursuit of their goals. 
  5. Adaptability and accountability: High performers are flexible, able to adapt in changing environments. They make room for change and adjust their strategies as needed to stay on track. They take ownership of their work and have a strong sense of self-discipline. 
  6. Continuous learning: High performers develop a growth mindset and are committed to continuous learning. They seek out new knowledge and skills to enhance their performance, whether through formal education, trainings, courses, coaching, mentoring or self-directed learning.
  7. Effective communication and collaboration: High performers can articulate their ideas clearly. They are good at building relationships and work well in teams, creating a positive and supportive environment where everyone can contribute their best.
  8. Time management: High performers have strong time management skills and are able to prioritise tasks. They are focused and achieve optimal results.
  9. Leadership qualities: High performers exhibit leadership qualities, such as vision, strategic thinking, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. They lead by example and empower those around them to succeed. Even if not in a formal leadership role, high performers show leadership qualities. 
  10. Proactive: High performers take initiative and are proactive in identifying opportunities for improvement or innovation, rather than waiting for instructions or guidance.
  11. Results-driven: High performers are focused on achieving tangible results and are willing to put in the effort necessary to reach their goals.
  12. Emotional intelligence: High performers are aware of their own emotions and those of others, allowing them to navigate interpersonal relationships effectively and resolve conflicts constructively.
  13. Perseverance: High performers persevere, show determination in the face of obstacles and achieve their desired outcome. They prioritise delivering high-quality work.
  14. Confidence: High performers have confidence in their abilities and believe in their capacity to succeed.

Overall, high performers embody a combination of drive, commitment, resilience, adaptability, and continuous learning, that enables them to consistently achieve their goals and make a significant impact in their respective fields.

It doesn’t mean they don’t need help or they don’t need to ask for help, or that they tick this list to perfection. It means they have the foundation and capacity to develop these skills and abilities and shine.

So, if you find yourself in this description, I have a gift for you: the Goal Setting Mastery workbook. 
Download it here: https://dianaenache.com/workbook/ and start defining your goals.

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